I think students (and really everyone) are having a tough time right now. There are a variety of reasons (and I actually worry as much about phones/screens as all of the obvious pandemic related stuff.) It’s all kinda terrible.
Hello all:
Congrats on making it through a tough semester. I suspect that many of you had difficulty attending class in regular clothes (as opposed to sweats and pj’s.) The commute now involved a car. Showers were (for most of you) no longer optional.
Grades are in and most of you did well. Some of you stumbled a bit. I counsel you to be happy where you are. As musicians and artists, it’s easy to get caught up in being perfect. (That is, of course, an unobtainable goal that keeps us feeling bad about ourselves at all times.) Again, I counsel you to be happy where you are. Take a well deserved break; and then, work hard again next semester.
If you stumbled, I remind you that nothing is forever. One of my good friends was also a student here at OCC many years ago. They failed almost everything and took 3 and a half years to graduate from OCC. (Add to that: They came to us after a year at a different school.) But, with hard work: they persevered, went on to a four-year college, and have become an accomplished music educator here in New York State. They have won a number of awards - all of them well deserved. Failure is just a chance to learn. Take a well deserved break; and then, work hard again next semester.
Speaking of feeling bad about ourselves:
US Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy issued a public health advisory on Tuesday, December 6, 2021 in order to provide recommendations for how to address the mental health challenges confronting children, adolescents, and young adults, which have been exacerbated by the COVID pandemic.
I suspect we don’t need an official report to let us know things are rough. (A friend of mine uses the term “un-relaxed : ) Please know that everyone at OCC - students, staff, and faculty - are here to help. If you find yourself “un-relaxed” or worse: Reach out to one of us. (We all need help sooner or later : )
Again: Congrats on making it through a tough semester. I look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. Please feel free to reach out before then if we can do anything for you.